Our objectives

The ultimate objective of Wanakaset is to create an ecologically balanced environment (with the greatest possible varieties of trees, plants, animals and micro-organisms) where human activities are in harmony with nature.

Our present goal is to understand the land, the climate, the topography and the accessibility of the different areas and their possible suitability for housing, vegetables wood trees, water storage, etc. We also want to determine the usefulness of each plant and fauna on our land.

Some projects are more advanced than others. In France and Sri Lanka, we now have a functioning ecosystem. In Panama, we should be proud of the results in a year or two and Tunisia will take another decade!

To finance this endeavor, some forms of economic activities are necessary to acquire the means required to operate, run and maintain the 40 acres of land in Sri Lanka, the 150 acres of land in France, the 18 acres of land in Panama and the 15 acres in Tunisia.

We made the decision almost a decade ago to embark in Hospitality and rent the property to eco-conscious groups for long week-ends, weeks or more but also organize away days for organisations wanting to plant trees during corporate events to make these carbon neutral.

Agroforestry is probably as old as human kind. It has been defined in several ways. The most commonly used definition is the one used by Lundgren, Raintree, Leakey and Spinger: "Agroforestry is any land-use system, practice or technology, where woody perennials are integrated with agricultural crops and/or animals in the same land management unit, in some form of spatial arrangement or temporal sequence."

In short; agroforestry is a dynamic and ecologically based natural resource management system in which trees or shrubs are grown around or among crops or pastureland. It consist of the deliberate introduction or retention of trees on farms to increase, diversify, and sustain production for increased social, economic and overall environment benefits to humans and the surrounding fauna and flora.

Trees contribute to productivity on farmland through natural fertilization, soil conservation through erosion control and biomass development.