Join us

Why join us ?

 By becoming a member, you will:

  • · Individual contributors: experience for yourself the challenges and rewards of planting and caring for trees in a beautiful scenery. Join us and spend a day with us in one of our forests.

    Click here to contact us and book a day visit

  • Professionals: enjoy our forest’s beautiful retreat and activities over a weekend or for a full week for successful team building with a sense of purpose. We guarantee your stay will be carbon neutral (unless you drop by while riding a V8)!

    Click here to contact us and discuss the available activities suited for your wishes and the timing of your visit.

  • Families and Friends: enjoy social activities together with a sense of purpose.

    Click here to contact us and discuss the available activities suited for your wishes and the timing of your visit.

Our Members

Many local people have become members because they love the concept and the forests.

Members can visit any Wanakaset be it in France, Sri Lanka or Panama regularly, especially during weekends. They have a vested interest in keeping the lands humming and growing in beauty and diversity.

Quite a few of our members share something with the objectives of our project. Some are fruit tree collectors, others want to monitor the acclimation of a certain specie to a region and some just love trees or bird watching who can spend hours every day looking at a 300-year-old Umbrella pine in France or 200 year old mango tree.

A growing number of our members simply want to socialize together at Wanakaset for a weekend or a week and have fun while contributing something to mother nature.

We can hold any kind of events; from birthdays to baptisms and weddings, New Year’s Eve parties, photoshoots, etc if the number of participants is manageable.

Wanakaset locations are remote and provide a unique environment for people to bond and come together.


Corporations can join us for team building events which have a measurable environmental impact and are carbon neutral. In addition to planting trees, team building activities available differ slightly from one location to the other but they do range from extreme sports like downhill mountain biking at night to white water rafting but also treasure hunting, boot camps, trekking, kayaking, yoga, writers retreat or simply helping us to check on the health and monitoring of the thousands of fruit trees scattered around the hectares of forests! We have both large, separate, indoor and outdoor areas which are suited for business meetings. These can be coupled with a very comfortable lodging for up to 20 people, with absolute privacy.

Rights and Duty - Safety rules

Safety is paramount. The forests can become a hazard and human activities can cause serious damage such as forest fires in the South of France. Each member must acknowledge the safety rules and sign the Rights and Duties Terms on arrival to our premises.

Membership Application Form

Join us


Details about your Organisation

Additional Information

Join us / Annual payment membership

Your login details will be confirmed by email after your transaction has been confirmed. You will then be able to access the Wanakaset Sri Lanka website areas reserved for members only.
Account name - Wanakaset (Guarantee) Limited
Account number - 0022 1000 6454
Avissawella branch
You can send your $50 payment to the Wanakaset organisation :

WANAKASET (GUARANTEE) LIMITED # H/25/7, Kumburugama, Deraniyagala.

Wanakaset site membership

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